CBD Products

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Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a therapeutic cannabinoid typically derived from industrial hemp. It is produced through an extraction process of the plant and is the active ingredient in products such as topicals, tinctures, and gummies. Since CBD does not have psychoactive side effects (the “high”), it has become popular due to its many benefits. 

Most people who are new to CBD have many CBD-related questions including some of the most common below: 

What is CBD (Cannabidiol)? 

CBD is a non-psychoactive compound found in hemp and cannabis plants. CBD gummies, tinctures, and other products are growing in popularity as ways to help treat conditions such as stress, joint pain, anxiety, and insomnia. Others are using CBD for seizure disorders, multiple sclerosis, nausea, allergies, digestion, and more. 

What Is the Difference Between Cannabis and Hemp Plants? 

Both hemp and cannabis plants contain THC and CBD in addition to other substances. The hemp plant has a higher concentration of CBD while the cannabis plant is the opposite with higher THC levels.  Since hemp is inherently high in CBD and low in THC, it is most often used by producers to manufacture consumer CBD products. 

It is important to know that hemp-derived CBD will not get you high. The molecule in cannabis that causes the “high”, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is the active compound found in marijuana that creates euphoria. Under US federal law, hemp must contain 0.3% or less concentration.  Any product containing more than 0.3% THC is classified as a marijuana-based product. 

Full-spectrum CBD products contain little THC (0.3% or less) and offer you symptom relief with a clear head.  Other products such as broad-spectrum or CBD isolate are THC-free (T-Free) and offer similar relief for professionals who frequently submit to strict drug screenings. 

CBD’s Holistic Approach Towards Health 

CBD is wildly popular in the holistic health and wellness space for its potential medical benefits. Some of its most common uses are related to pain, anxiety, and insomnia. 

  • CBD and pain: CBD can help manage pain without undesirable or adverse side effects, particularly when compared to some prescription drugs such as anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxers, etc. 
  • CBD and anxiety: Accumulating evidence supports that CBD has therapeutic potential in reducing stress and anxiety. Individuals are finding relief from various anxiety and stress related disorders including social anxiety, panic, and generalized anxiety disorders. 
  • CBD and insomnia: Since CBD can help with both pain and anxiety, it can help provide you with a restful sleep through relaxation. CBD typically does not have side effects such as daytime grogginess or excessive daytime sleepiness that can be associated with prescription or over the counter medications.  

CBD works for many people, but it is important to consult with your doctor before starting a CBD regimen.  While the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a CBD product for the treatment of seizures, it has not been evaluated for use as a dietary supplement or to prevent, treat, or cure any health disorder. 

Trouble Sleeping? 

It is simple to understand why people are using CBD for sleep and insomnia. According to a Consumer Reports survey, around 80% of people in the U.S. claim they have trouble sleeping at least once a week. Many of the existing treatments are only modestly effective while others are even risky. 

How CBD Acts as a Sleep Aid 

CBD interacts with different proteins and endocannabinoid receptors (ECS) in the brain.  These interactions create a change in the activity of hormones, cells and neurotransmitters throughout the brain and body. Through these interactions with receptors in the brain, cannabinoids seem to affect many of the functions of the body and include the sleep-wake cycle. 

Why Can CBD Oil Be Good for Pain? 

People with mild to chronic pain are increasingly turning to holistic CBD products in lieu of traditional synthetic medications. Topically applied or ingested, CBD oil has been frequently reported to manage symptoms including: 

  • Inflammation 
  • Pain 
  • Overall discomfort related to various medical conditions 


Research on pain management with CBD products using hemp seeds has been very promising for pain and inflammation. 

Your body has a cell signaling system called the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Identified in the early 1990s by cannabis researchers, the ECS has been found to regulate bodily functions such as sleep, mood, appetite, memory, and reproduction fertility to name a few.  Some researchers believe CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid receptors in your immune system and brain. These receptors are small proteins attached to your cells that receive signals, from different stimuli. 

The cell response to stimuli generates pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects which help manage pain. This means CBD oil and other CBD products could benefit people suffering with chronic pain and inflammation. 

CBD Oil For Digestion – Gi Issues And Gut Health 

>span class="TextRun Underlined SCXW146189914 BCX2" lang="EN-US">CBD and the ECS digestion system. Could CBD provide a medicinal solution for digestion?  Currently, there is no medical testing for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). However, researchers have found that an IBS patient’s body and nervous system are physically different than those who do not suffer from IBS. 

>span class="EOP SCXW146189914 BCX2" data-ccp-props="{"201341983":0,"335559739":300,"335559740":240}"> 

  • Digestive tract 
  • ECS 
  • Immune system 
  • And more 

CBD and Gut Health 

A study published by the US National Library of Medicine shows how cannabinoids affect the ECS and has a positive impact on the GI tract.  The authors of the paper also stated the ECS substantially influences the physiological process of the GI tract that has involvement in: 

  • Slowing gastric movement and emptying 
  • Reducing acid secretion 
  • Slowing stomach mucous erosion 
  • Reducing inflammation 


Many individuals report full-spectrum CBD oil from hemp helps with their IBS symptoms. There is promising research on the effect of CBD on the ECS that is still being conducted today. The ECS can be a potential target to reduce gastrointestinal issues such as hemorrhage and inflammation through direct activation of ECS receptors from hemp-derived cannabinoids. 

CBD tinctures and capsules are the two best types of supplements to take as they are ingested and directly target the stomach and digestive tract.  Tinctures would provide a more of an immediate, albeit lesser, relief while capsules would provide more lasting effects as it is digested in the small intestine as part of a daily regimen.  Hitting the problematic area directly is always the best route for CBD product administration! 

What’s the Best CBD For Anxiety and Depression? 

CBD and Anxiety 

One in 13 people around the world live with an anxiety disorder which makes this a common disorder. It is important for people with anxiety to find a safe way to manage their symptoms. 

Fast-acting anti-anxiety medications might provide quick relief; however, these medications can become addictive. Long term anxiety medicines might help reduce symptoms over time, but not everyone will benefit from them. 

CBD is becoming popular as an alternative solution for treating anxiety.  In a 2018 study, researchers gave male speakers 300 mg of CBD about 90 minutes before testing. The speakers’ anxiety significantly decreased during the speech when compared to the placebo group. 

CBD and Depression 

Some studies show CBD and MCT oil might be beneficial for symptoms of depression. CBD works as it seems to offer mental health benefits through positive interaction with serotonin receptors in the brain.  Serotonin impacts a range of bodily functions including a person’s emotional state and feelings of wellbeing and happiness.  It also helps with: 

  • Discomfort before public speaking 
  • Anxiety 
  • Cognitive impairment 


CBD is also thought to help with causes of depression such as chronic pain.  Chronic pain is often attributed to depression as individuals begin having feelings of worthlessness and become self-conscious due to pain they consider debilitating. 

CBD provides anti-stress effects which could reduce stress-related depression. 


Waterdam Physical Medicine


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